
A sustainable and environmentally-friendly technology

XBEE is essentially and naturally dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment: First of all by its entirely organic composition, the natural fuel additive cannot harm the environment. Moreover, XBEE is distributed in liquid form in plastic containers made of easily recyclable materials, with very large quantities being transported and stored in special multi-use containers. This is all part of a more globally sustainable development scheme.

XBEE is a unique biotechnology that utilizes a mixture of naturally occurring enzymes obtained from 100% sustainable tree leaves rather than chemicals. After extraction a proprietary process to stabilize the enzymes and disperse them into an organic solvent carrier is employed. This critical step holds the enzymes’ three-dimensional conformation in place, allowing exceptionally long-term stability and still maintain rapid catalytic activity over a wide range of fuel hydrocarbons and biofuels, as well as fuel-derived sludge.

The main benefit for the environment is the great capacity of the XBEE natural fuel treatment to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, according to measurements performed by several independent laboratories, XBEE fights pollution by reducing not only the greenhouse gas CO2, but also toxic pollutants soot, HC, NOx, and SOx often by double digit percentages.

Reducing toxic greenhouse gas emissions

Diesel oil

ISO 14065 Cofrac accredited laboratory Ascal measured the gas emissions of several buses owned and operated by Veolia Transport. Based on these measurements, a fleet of one hundred buses could reduce its CO2 emissions by nearly 250 tons per year, just by adding XBEE to their diesel.
- 0 %
Carbon Dioxides (CO2)
- 0 %
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)


The University of Berkeley’s Combustion Analysis Laboratory in California, United States measured the impact of XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology on two types of fuels: biodiesel based on a mix of various recycled vegetable oils, and virgin soy oil.

The notable result from these measurements is that XBEE biodiesel also reduces NOx emissions, contrarily to regular biodiesel which tends to increase this type of emission compared to ULSD.
- 0 %
Hydrocarbons (HC)
- 0 %
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- 0 %
Particulate Matter (PM)
- 0 %
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Marine diesel oil

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 UQAS accredited laboratory Envirotech Consultancy was commissioned to measure gas emissions aboard a vessel managed by the Dutch dredging operator Royal Boskalis. All the formulas were calculated by the dredging company’s engineers. They worked in compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) E2 directive for weighing emissions at various engine loads.
- 0 %
Carbone Dioxide (CO2)
- 0 %
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption

Heavy fuel oil

Several accredited laboratories such as Ascal (Eurofins), Dekra and Coterena measured gas emissions onboard seagoing vessels and power plants burning different grades of heavy fuel oils from 180 to 380.

Within a few months or even just a few weeks of treatment with XBEE Enzym Fuel Technology, the same environmentally friendly trends have been observed as toxic gas emissions are reduced, often by two-digits numbers.
- 0 %
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- 0 %
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
- 0 %
Particulate Matter (PM)

Reducing toxic greenhouse gas emissions

XBEE Enzyme Fuel Technology also helps companies and private users to reduce fuel consumption quite substantially. The less petroleum-based fuels our society consumes the better for our environment and our planet’s resources. Several bench-tests have been performed in many different fuels and vehicles, all showing the same positive conclusion: XBEE enzymes, by hyper-oxygenating fuels during combustion, help to improve engine performance and to deliver a better power/consumption ratio. Results span a range from -2.4% to -14.3%!

Green Marine

Green Marine is an environmental certification program for the North American marine industry.

It is a voluntary, transparent and inclusive initiative that addresses key environmental issues through its 14 performance indicators. Participants are shipowners, ports, terminals, seaway corporations, and shipyards.

XBEE was the first global partner of Green Marine as we work on both sides of the Atlantic with Alliance Verte in Canada and the United States, and with Green Marine Europe/Surf Foundation in Europe.
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